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Celebrating Diversity: Black History Month 2022

Writer: MLTMLT

This Black History Month, we're shining a light on the lived experiences of Black Canadians, inside and outside of Missing Link Technologies, who are inspiring the next generation of Black youth to reach their full potential.

Toyin Ogunade, Project Manager at Missing Link Technologies, shares how her strong connection to her cultural values, passed down from her parents, has inspired her to be a role model to those around her and embrace diversity through individual uniqueness and perspectives.

Question: Why is Black History Month important to you?

Response: Black history month reminds me of a true heart of kindness. Generations before us have had to undergo castigation and rejection due to no fault of their other than being a person of colour. Black history month reminds us of the labor of our heroes’ past and the impact that has resulted in the world embracing cultural diversity and inclusion, which MLT showcases.

One day our descendants will think it incredible that we paid so much attention to things like the amount of melanin in our skin or the shape of our eyes or our gender instead of the unique identities of each of us as complex human beings.

- Franklin Thomas

Activist, Philanthropist & Former President of the Ford Foundation

Question: What word do you have out there for people of colour who feel they may be no good to society and are reluctant to contribute positively to the community?

Response: In my mum's words, “success is not measured by the position you have reached in life but by the obstacles you have overcome while trying to succeed. There is a time to understand the cultural value of your new home without forgetting that everyone, despite age, colour, size, or financial worth, has a soul which longs to connect with others and create a positive change. It is not enough to rumble over the current situation; you can always change to correct the negative impression that may have existed about you.

As a woman of colour, I want to ask we listen more, engage people with views different than our own, and share perspectives while listening, listen with kindness in your heart, not anger. If we listen to each other and treat each other with respect, we can find ways to overcome our modern-day problems together.

I want to leave you with a quote from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. :

Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." Let us all work to be the light that drives out darkness. If we work together, we can make great strides toward a better future.

Written By:

Toyin Oguande

Project Manager

Missing Link Technologies Ltd.



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